Acupuncture and Summer Health: Harnessing Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cooling Relief

As the summer temperatures rise, so does the need for effective ways to stay cool and maintain a balanced state of health. One avenue that many individuals may have yet to consider lies in the time-tested traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - specifically, acupuncture and the therapeutic use of Chinese herbs. Here, we explore how acupuncture can be applied to promote summer health and also delve into some refreshing recipes using Chinese herbs renowned for their cooling properties.

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Marc Gian
Acupuncture, Herbs & Essential Oils For Allergies.

TCM is a medical system that has been around for thousands of years. The general theory behind TCM is to treat the patient holistically, considering all aspects of the patient’s illness. TCM utilizes many modalities to treat the patient, including acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, formulas, cupping, and nutrition. For treating allergies, there are some wonderful herbs and formulas that can be implemented. Here’s a short list of items that can be used to treat non-life-threatening allergies.

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Marc Gian
Dimensions of the Heart

The Heart is a vital energy system in Chinese medicine, often said to be the emperor of all the other energy systems. It is related to the fire element, the universal energy of summer.

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Marc Gian
Have you tried Cupping Yet?

Cupping is understood in TCM to assist with qi and blood flow. It also opens the pores to draw out pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, dampness, and heat. Biomedical research has found that cupping does increase local blood flow through microcirculation and capillary cell repair, and wet cupping helps to remove toxins from the blood.

One of the reasons it has stood the test of time is because it is safe and beneficial for so many conditions. Here are some examples of uses where research supports effectiveness

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Marc Gian
Can Marc Help your Seasonal Allergies?

Allergies, seasonal or year-round, are an ongoing problem for many individuals. Seasonal allergies typically affect people during a particular season or time of year. They are also called outdoor allergies and are generally triggered by tree, grass, weed pollens, or outdoor mold spores. Animal dander, dust mites, mold spores, or insect allergens typically bring on year-round, also known as indoor allergies. There are also food allergies, which occur due to eating a culprit food and can create physical and emotional symptoms such as body hives, swelling, itching or redness of the skin, depression, and moodiness. 

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Marc Gian
Acupuncture for Wellness

Should I get acupuncture if I’m not sick? This is a question people often ask. For more than 2,500

years practitioners of acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have emphasized the importance

of preventative medicine rather than waiting until the disease begins. Yang-sheng is the preventive

branch of Chinese medicine. Yang-sheng means to nourish life.

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Marc Gian

Chinese Medicine has a beautiful way of getting to the core principles of a disorder as an efficient way to inform appropriate treatment. While terms like deficiency, excess, stagnation, and retained pathogens may seem simple, they can be related to modern medical explanations of diseases (like post-COVID syndrome). Western biomedical research into Long-Haul COVID (LHC) looks at immune and cellular dysfunction that can lead to organ and tissue damage.

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Marc Gian
5 Benefits of Acupuncture

TCM treatments promote the movement of qi throughout the body to help bring balance back to the body. The goal of Acupuncture is to correct this imbalance which can cause a variety of ailments and conditions that you may currently have.

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Marc Gian
Chinese Medicine and Low Back pain

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that dates back nearly 3,000 years. But despite its age, TCM has a lot of validity to offer in the age of modern medicine. TCM provides many ways of combating low back pain. Here are just a few examples of how this ancient medical system can help.

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Marc Gian